Legislation Framework
When tackling the issue of teen dating violence, it is also very important to know how the law and its regulations define it and what types of solutions and help they offer. Therefore, we prepared following legislation overview providing basic information of national legislations of each partner country involved in the project, as well as an international legislation overview of the most important international documents focusing on this topic.
Although none of legislation of the partner countries involved defines or mentions teen dating violence specifically, there are laws and regulations focusing on the protection of children and defining sexual violence or intimate partner violence which are also applicable in situations of teen dating violence.
The following model situations and overview serve as guidelines. Therefore it should be noted that not all contexts are applicable to differing legal perspectives of each case and its assessment of the situation by investigative, prosecuting and adjudicating bodies. It is always necessary to remember that each act differs, which is also how it is assessed by investigative, prosecuting and adjudicating bodies.