NGO Database

List of organizations

Get into Discussion Cultural Association (MinD)

Description: Associazione culturale MinD originates from the idea of ​​5 young psychologists to promote knowledge of the psychological world, through clinical and training activities, using different artistic and creative forms. The acronym MinD, "Get into Discussion", embraces the need to promote self-discovery and self-awareness by "staging" your own limits and weaknesses. Thus begins the journey of self-acceptance, together with the figure of the psychologist, no longer understood as an omniscient guru or judge of the lives of others, but as a person who participates with his own emotions and sensations, in addition to the theoretical aspects deriving from university experience.


Services provided:

- Promote knowledge of the psychological world


Contact information:

Address: Via Giorgio Baglivi n° 3 – Roma {Metro B – Policlinico}




Phone number: +39 / 3335374630

PAVIOL - Anti-Violence Paths Onlus, Social Well-Being Association

Description: PAVIOL PERCORSI ANTIVIOLENZA O.N.L.U.S. Associazione di Promozione Sociale, born in Biella in 2014 on the wish of a group of psychologists, psychotherapists and educators who are its founders.


Services provided:

- Psychological, social and educational support to individuals, adults and children, direct or indirect victims of violence

- Psychological, social and educational support for people who perform acts of violence

- Promotion on the territory of sensitization, training and information on the theme of violence

- Activation of forms of collaboration with other public or private institutions, institutional or not, present on the territory, to improve the quality of life of victims (and / or perpetrators) of violence

- Training and supervision for members who work in the Association

- All services are free


Contact information:

Address: Via Don Pietro Magri 3 – Biella



Phone number:

PAVIOL Percorsi Anti Violenza Onlus, +39 / 3451486091

SPAM Supporto Psicologico Adulti Maltrattanti, +39 / 3420955211

Polyhedron Cooperative

Description:  "Il Poliedro" social cooperative society was founded in 1990 in Umbria in San Giustino and is one of the largest social cooperatives in Umbria. Operative for the employment of people according to the principles of the law 381 of 1991. For this reason we collaborate with the territorial services starting projects of integration and job placement; but we do not stop here: at the end of each project we continue the collaboration for the maximum well-being of the people included.

Today Poliedro has 161 workers, 68 ordinary members, 61 working members, a sponsor member and six volunteer members: all participate in the life of the cooperative by giving the general guidelines and maximizing the cultural role of the cooperative within the territory, thus contributing to improve the quality of the life. We work in Umbria, Tuscany and Marche with both public bodies and private individuals. Poliedro signifies and in a broad sense: heterogeneous subjects that offer at the same time numerous and different services.

We give our customers a quality and socially sustainable service also thanks to the innovation in the working methods, the professionalism and the great technological heritage available.


Services provided:

- Contribute to improve the quality of the life


Contact information:

Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele 40, 06012 Città di Castello



Phone number: +39 / 0758522655, +39 / 0758550656