NGO Database

List of organizations

ANAR Foundation Spain

Description: Since its creation, the Foundation works with the ANAR Homes, shelters for children and teenagers lacking an adequate family environment.

In 1994 it launched the ANAR Help Phone for Children and Teenagers at Risk, a free and confidential line that operates 24 hours a day and throughout the year. This phone offers immediate psychological, social and legal help to minors with problems or at risk.

From that same year, the ANAR Telephone for the Adult and the Family is operational, a service aimed at adults who need guidance in matters related to minors.

Since 2010, the ANAR Telephone for Missing Children has been operating, the single harmonized number of the European Union 116000, which offers emotional support to families during the 24 hours, legal and social counseling, help with complaints and immediate connection with the police, as well as with the network of all 116,000 of Europe.


Services provided:

- Telephone support

- Unaccompanied minors

- Psychological Support

- Emotional Support

- Psychological consultation

- Legal advice

- Sensitization

- Education


Contact information:

Address: Avda. de América 24, 2ª planta, 1º dcha, 28028 Madrid




Phone number: +34 / 91 72 62 700

Points of Information and Attention to Women (PIADs)

Description: The PIADs are municipal services of proximity that offer information and attention in all those topics that interest women. They allow access to different city resources, labor, associative, cultural and educational, among others. They also offer free legal and psychological counseling. It is necessary to make an appointment. It is a service only for women from 18 years old. There is a PIAD in each district of Barcelona.


Services provided:

On an individual level

- Information and guidance on different resources (labor, training, personal, legal, women's associations, meeting and participation spaces, etc.)

- Personalized attention, active listening space to deal with situations in their complexity

- Legal advice

- Psychological accompaniment.

At the group level

- Workshops on various topics: professional tools, self-esteem, separations and duels, affective relationships and sexuality, empowerment in times of change, conscious movement, self-defense

- Personal growth and support groups for women. At the community level

- Training courses and information sessions

- Organization and / or holding talks on issues related to women's rights

- Celebration of the most important commemorative days: March 8, International Women's Day, or November 25, International Day for the eradication of violence against women


Contact information:

Address: C/ Nou de la Rambla, 45, 08001 Barcelona



Phone number: +34 / 932564951